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Material Preis 2018
The competition for materials was launched by raumPROBE for the first time in 2013. The award honours special developments by manufacturers, new materials and architects as well as planners with their built projects.
Awarding institutions:
Material Preis 2018
Werkbund Label 2018
The Werkbund Label is awarded to projects and initiatives that stand out for their outstanding, innovative or creative qualities and for their social or political exemplary function.
Awarding institution:
Werkbund Label 2018
Thin King April 2018
The State Agency for Lightweight Construction Baden-Württemberg promotes innovation with its ThinKing award. With this label, Leichtbau BW GmbH provides a monthly platform for innovative products or services in lightweight construction from Baden-Württemberg.
Awarding institution:
Thin King 2018
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